Custom BusinessLogic Integration Core FeaturesCommon concepts& Behaviours Infrastructure& Technologie Third Party &Machine 2 Machine Custom BusinessLogic Integration Core FeaturesCommon concepts& Behaviours Infrastructure& Technologie Third Party &Machine 2 Machine Think Peaks

Deliver a global digital transformation strategy for your organization.

As well as modelizing all of your organization’s processes, Think Peaks enables third-party communication and synchronization mechanisms between heterogeneous information systems. And also, it provides a hassle-free technical infrastructure environment.

  • Modularity

    Match your very own business logic without reinventing the wheel. We personalize & extend common concepts and behaviours from our core features.

    Our potent solution can learn complex ideas, such as group membership and coaching, and it can relate it to the members of your organization successfully.

    This is why our solution is particularly suitable for businesses that involve people interaction and community management like education or non-profit.

  • Interact with the outside world

    Your efficiency depends on your faculty to interact with your peers.
    Why should your IT solution differ?
    Enable machine to machine communication and let's the machine do repetitive jobs for you.

    • Third Party Integration

      Integrate third-party system in your operational workflow: Accounting, Marketing Database, Mailing list management, etc.

    • RestFul API

      Need API? We got you covered!
      Our solution runs as a RestFul API with OAuth2.

    • Bidirectional sync

      Allow automatic two-way synchronization mechanisms between various information systems.

    • Remote action execution

      Trigger actions remotely on third party system

  • Robust Infrastructure

    You have better things to do than dealing with IT problems?
    We handle all your infrastructure challenges for you. You stay the owner of your own data

    • On Premise or Cloud hosted

      We take care of your hardware, cloud services, deployment and infrastructure monitoring.

    • Test, Demo, Prod Environment

      Nobody wants to mess with production data during training. This is why our solution comes with multiple environments.

    • AWS Backup

      Get all your data as a Mysql Dump backed up on your own AWS S3

    • Scalable & Reproductible

      Our infrastructure approach is designed with expansion in mind

Future proof

Your organization deserves cutting-edge technologies. This is why our solution is powered by many of the greatest open-source initiatives. This guarantees an evolvable, reliable, secure, cost-efficient and a "free-from-locked-in-vendor" ecosystem.

  • Symfony
  • Mysql
  • NginX
  • Composer
  • Elasticsearch
  • RabbitMQ
  • React
  • Redux
  • NodeJs
  • WebPack
  • Kibana
  • ReactiveX
  • Git
  • SaltStack
  • Ubuntu
  • LXC LXD Container
  • OAuth 2

  • Proxmox